It was a tough 1st quarter in Beease, I believe it is not only us who suffered from the outbreak of COVID-19. Comparing to the performance in last year, our sales dropped 80% as we get no order and we are not able to start production for the orders we got in 2019.

In 2019, our Average Volume of Export was around 13 containers of PP Meal Box and Paper/Plastic Cups a month, Which is equal to 600000 sets of PP Meal Box and 630000 sets of Paper/Plastic Cups. In Feb 2020 and Mar 2020, the Volume of Export was only 1 container a month.
We have never faced this kind of crisis before, its impact is even worse than SARS in 2003
We haven't received any inquiries and We are not able to run in full capacity to ship out the goods on time. Cost of the Logistic and Raw Material Increased tremendously within a short period of time, We will be losing money in some of the order we got from 2019.
Nevertheless, in mid of March, while we were suffering from getting no order, the number of inquiries increased, and most of the inquiries were about TAKE AWAY LUNCH BOX. Inquiries were mainly come from Wholesalers in other countries By Luck, we finally got orders again, and we will be producing for them until End of June.
We hope the new orders can compensate our loss in our 1st quarter, and then we can catch up and speed up after the COVID-19 leaving us.
Unless we are not able to sustain the overhead of our operation, else, we will keep up our working discipline to keep the company running as usual, and we will prepare the company to cope with some sudden needs from companies who couldn't get product from the outside.
Stay Awake! Never Give Up! Chance will only be effective when it falls to somebody who has well prepared everything.