PLA (POLY-LACTIC ACID), which is a thermoplastic derived from renewable resources such as corn starch. It is actually a kind of Polyester.

A lot of people can tell us quickly about the advantage of using PLA:
*This is Bio-Degradable! It will eventually become Water and Carbon-Dioxide.
*It is made by Corn Starch, therefore, it is Green.
*It is ECO Friendly, We can show and fulfill the social responsibility to people, for our own sake.
Well , Beease would like to give you some quick clarification about the above points.
Beease says:
*This is Bio-Degradable! It will eventually become Water and Carbon-Dioxide.
Well, yes, PLA can eventually be decomposed to Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and Water., but ONLY under a certain condition of temperature and humidity. If both of the condition can be fulfilled at the same occasion, PLA can be decomposed within 4-6 weeks. Unfortunately, the chance of concurrently getting such a perfect mix of temperature and humidity is usually LOW, and PLA will therefore be decomposed after many years, it can be up to 100+ years.
This is why a specific factory needed, providing the right temperature and humidity to decompose PLA. EU has just announced that PLA shouldn't belong to the family of Bio-Degradable Plastic.
*It is made by Corn Starch, therefore, it is Green.
Yes, since Corn Starch is a kind of renewable resource, compare to Fossil/Crude Oil and Natural Gas, it is GREEN.
BUT! Maze/Corns are over harvested because Merchants wanted to sell more PLA, therefore, a potential Food Crisis is there. and the whole Food-Chain has been affected.
*It is ECO Friendly, We can show and fulfill the social responsibility to people, for our own sake
Compare to ordinary plastic (PP, PE, PET, PVC, PC...etc), YES, PLA is more ECO-FRIENDLY. Believe we can think about this topic again, as there are always PROS and CONS, and it is your will to choose your way.